With my current body of work, I am visually processing
the issues surrounding growing pains, and the process
of discovering who I am and what I believe.
I have observed in my own life, as well as
my peers’, the trials and struggles of
what it means to become and individual
with our own ideas and beliefs. I approach
these sometimes-dark issues with bright
colors and playful humor, making them
simultaneously accessible and even acceptable.
This series is a representation of
how I see the world has changed
as Ive grown. I use my work to
display the “mutation” process
I see taking place in society
today. This body of work depicts
a natural creature undergoing a
“shedding of its skin” in order to
look like the way society says we are
supposed to look. I realize that more and
more people makes choices based on
what is popular and trending, even
though it is often impractical and
contradicting in it's very nature.
They allow society to dictate what
it is that they believe, which in turn,
begins to mutate who they are. No longer
do they stand for things that they were
taught as children. Instead they take on
what the social trend is, wear it like a
new skin, and fight like a rabid dog
to defend their viewpoint to the end.
In their head they believe their way
is the natural and correct way,
best for all people. This belief
system blurs the lines of what is
truth and what is reality, presenting
us with a mindset that is unnatural
and contradicts itself.